How to get the most out of this course
For All Levels, No Judgement
This course is designed for face painters of all experience levels. This means that there will be some areas that are explained in basic terms for those who are new and perhaps unsure of industry standards. If you are new to the industry, rest assured that you are catered for and you won't be judged for asking questions no matter how basic. If you're a seasoned industry veteran, feel free to skim through the sections you're confident with and linger on the many advanced topics in the curriculum. No matter your level, all users are encouraged to use the comments section at the bottom of each lecture to discuss topics in further detail with Suedy and other users.
Take It Easy, and Take Action
This course has a lot of information to digest. It covers many aspects of running a face painting business, and it is not expected that you can complete it all in a day, let alone absorb it and take action on everything you've learned. It's advisable to take this course one section at a time. After completing each section take some time to think about how the new knowledge applies to you and your business, and start to implement ideas. There will be sections that you return to frequently as you set up or review your business systems. Revisit as often as you like!
It's important to give yourself time to take action on what you've read. Rome wasn't built in a day, so be kind to yourself and set yourself just one or two bite-sized tasks at a time that you can complete within a reasonable time frame. If a task is really big, break it down into manageable steps and just complete a step or two before moving on. It's easy to get overwhelmed when you're running your own business and burnout is real, so take it easy and you'll have enough steam to push through even the biggest tasks.
Tracking Your Progress
The Teachable interface tracks your progress as you complete each lecture. It's a great motivator to watch your progress bar on the left grow as you work through the course! If you'd like to take advantage of this function, remember to use the "Complete and continue" button at the upper right corner of each lecture. This tells the Teachable interface that you've finished that lecture and you're ready to be taken to the next one. Don't open lectures in new tabs or windows, nor use the course outline on the left to select a different lecture, otherwise Teachable can't track your progress.
If you have completed a course and the progress bar doesn't show 100% completion, take a look down the course outline on the left and see which lectures are left unchecked. You'll need to revisit them and click the "Complete and continue" button on each to ensure that your progress is logged. At the end of the day though, the progress bar is just a tool to help you measure your progress and doesn't have any effect on your course outcomes.
Questions, Feedback and Support
Support is offered in this course by using the "Comments" function. You will find this function at the bottom of each lecture, where you can ask questions and discuss the topic further. By using the comments function, not only can Suedy assist with replies, but your question and the discussion it sparks will help other users who take this course. Please feel free to take part in the discussion! This way we can all give each other support, offer unique perspectives, and grow a sense of community in this course. Of course, please keep all contributions polite, kind, and on-topic so that we all get the most out of this function.
Personal Feedback
Using the comments function for support is inclusive in your course fee. Sometimes, however, users may have a private issue, or require detailed personal feedback on their own unique circumstances. In these cases you can book a private consultation with Suedy for a reasonable additional fee. These can be arranged face-to-face, over the phone, or via online video conference call. If you think you need personal feedback, contact Suedy to book a time for a consultation.
Revisit Often
As an online course with lifetime access, you are welcome to revisit as often as you like. The benefit of an online platform is that Suedy can update information and add more content based on industry changes or feedback. So from time to time, you may find additional content in this course at no extra charge! So don't be a stranger - check in from time to time to refresh your knowledge and see if anything has changed since you last dropped in.
Copyright Notice
The content in this course remains the copyright of Susanne Daoud, all rights reserved. This course is for your personal non-commercial use only. Copying, distribution, reproduction, or transmission of the course content, in part or in whole, in any form, via any means, is not permitted. If you would like to seek permission to quote from this course, please contact Suedy with your request.